Expert Squirrel Removal Services provided throughout Asbury Park, NJ. Squirrel problems are a very common animal problem throughout Monmouth County NJ. Our professional nuisance wildlife experts can solve all types of squirrel problems, including how to get rid of squirrels in attic, squirrels digging in roof, and any type of squirrel in house problem.
Squirrels in the attic are a very common problem that we deal with on a daily basis. Homeowners commonly share the same type of problem with squirrels in their attic. A common complaint people call with is that they are hearing scratching sounds in their ceiling and walls. These scratching noises are indicative of a squirrel problem. These concerns should be addressed quickly, when scratching sounds are heard this may be a sign that the squirrel is preparing to have babies. The scratching is the squirrel preparing her nest for birth of babies. Squirrels are most active and produce their young twice a year, these birthing months are February and March and then again in late August and September. Asbury Park Squirrel Removal Experts provides services in all areas of Monmouth County.
How to get rid of squirrels in the attic in Asbury Park
There are a couple of ways to get rid of squirrels in the attic portion of your Asbury Park,NJ home, the best option is have a reliable company come in and remove the squirrels by trapping them, or excluding them altogether. After the squirrels have all been either trapped or excluded from the attic, the area should be inspected to verify that there is no more squirrel activity in the attic, after a professional determines that there is no more squirrel activity in the attic area, you should have the house sealed. This is called a exclusion and should only be done with quality metal that has enough thickness that the squirrel does not chew through. Some of the other problems we have experienced possibly having squirrels in the walls.
Squirrel Exclusion in Asbury Park, NJ
A Squirrel exclusion is the physical sealing a house with metal in order to keep any rodent or animal out. This can be done to the gutter line of the house or to the vent screens on the foundation, Sometimes it may be necessary to screen out both. All houses have Vent screens, these screens are either on the end of the house and are shaped like a triangle or they are located on the roof. These vents act as a temperature regular for the attic portion of the house. This vents lets the hot air escape from the attic and keeps the shingles and underlayment cool so you can get quality years out of your roofing, If these vents were not there the temp. Inside the attic would reach crazy numbers in the summertime and the shingles would essentially melt off of the roof. It gets really hot here in Asbury Park and so these vents do have a purpose and their function should remain intact. This is why you should have a professional determine the appropriate material to cover these vents with would be. Most of the time, the material we use here in Asbury Park is a product called Hardware cloth. This is a stainless steel screening manufactured on rolls and cut to length on site to cover any possible entry points in the home.
Some of the problems with Squirrels in the attic
The Squirrels in the attic problem come with many other problems that are existent with the presence of squirrels. Squirrels are rodents, which mean their front two teeth always grow! With the growth of their front two teeth comes the need to always chew. This keeps their teeth filed down to a manageable level so the squirrel or rodent can continue to eat and break nuts. With the chewing, comes the threat of the squirrels chewing on your wires of your home. This causes phones not to work, Plug-in’s malfunction and most of all the act of the squirrel chewing on your wires is a tremendous fire hazard.
We are a full service Wildlife Removal Company that can get rid of all types of squirrels including grey squirrels, flying squirrels, and resolve all type of squirrel problems. In addition to getting rid of the pest animal we can make repairs to fix any squirrel damage and make necessary modifications to prevent any type of animal reentry. In addition to animal proofing, and repairs we can disinfect and sterilize attics including the removal and replacement of animal contaminated insulation.